Friday, June 25, 2010

Drink Beer, Save the Gulf


It's that easy. Abita Beer, a brewery just outside of New Orleans (and a staple of NOLA party culture and also a really good brewery) has teamed up with the Louisiana Seafood Promotion & Marketing Board to create SOS- A Charitable Fund "that will assist with the rescue and restoration of the environment, industry and individuals fighting to survive this disastrous oil spill." Abita's major contribution? Beer, of course. Abita has announced its newest special brew: SOS (Save Our Shore)- A Charitable Pilsner.

The new brew is available in 41 states across the country and $.75 of every $1.00 of SOS goes straight to the charity (as well as 100% of all merchandise). You'll recognize the bottle as the one that has pelicans and fish arranged to spell out S.O.S. on the label. Abita's SOS site also has a number of other practical tips on how you can help the Gulf Coast and those economically (and otherwise) injured. With summer in full swing and fall to follow- two great times to be drinking a pilsner- you'll probably be asked to bring a six-pack to a BBQ, party or beach picnic. Why not pick up some SOS and pass on the word? There's certainly worse choices at your local store.

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