Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Follow-Up From The Lunatic Fringe

Early today, I noted the buzz from about the Gen. McChrystal story. Now that Pres. Obama has named Gen. Petraus as the new commander of the Afghan war, here is a taste of what's being said about the statement that the President welcomes debate but won't tolerate division:

I don’t tolerate division either! That Rat Bastard has divided our country in a way it hasn’t been in 40 years! Screw him and all his Commie ilk!!!!!

Spoken just like Chavez. Anyone ever notice how Obama loves to use the tyrant phrase: “I won’t tolerate...” ???

You only talked with the liberal leftist general once obama... you are a lying sack of muslim monkey sh!t!

Certainly, this kind of rhetoric is not typical of those on the political right who actually think about the issues, but after analyzing Robert A. Hall's words last week, I think it's important for people to know that these kinds of things are being offered up and validated by the lunatic fringe of the conservative movement.

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