Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Arizona Takes A Play Right Out of A 4 Year Old's Playbook

In a not-so-surprisingly one-sided piece over at FOXNews, it was explained that Gary Pierce, a commissioner on the five-member Arizona Corporation Commission has written a letter to Mayor Villaraigosa in Los Angeles, telling him that if the city goes through with its boycott of Arizona companies in retaliation for the AZ immigration law, he would "encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate [their] power agreements so Los Angeles no longer receives any power from Arizona-based generation." According to Pierce "Doggone it -- if you're going to boycott this candy store ... then don't come in for any of it."

Here's the problem- beside Pierce's obvious inability to act like an adult- while Los Angeles has no commitment to patronize AZ companies or travel to AZ and give it any revenue, one would assume that AZ utility companies have some sort of contract with Los Angeles regarding the power they're supposed to provide. If Pierce is suggesting that these utility companies breach these contracts, I have a feeling they probably wouldn't fair too well with a "they started it" defense in court. I understand Pierce's point that Los Angeles is benefiting from its relationship with AZ and wants to have it both ways, but his childish tactics are just making an already embarrassed state look worse. "If you won't play the way I want, I'm taking my toys and going home" may have worked as a toddler, but as adults, we need to realize that the actions we take bring with them certain consequences.

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