Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) made, easily, one of the worst points I've ever heard in the illegal immigration debate. I don't have a whole to say about the clip, as it pretty much speaks for itself, but I would urge people to be a little more selective when they make the choice for their representative. Sure, everyone has a gaffe now and then and says something they shouldn't have, but that's usually off the cuff. This guy drew up this analogy and took it down to the floor with him, thinking it would be a really good zinger at the inability to stop illegal border crossings. Wow.
Where were the Tea partiers when Ariz gov Brewer signed this into law? One would think that out of all groups, they would be the one's to stand up in defense of personal liberty for ALL of our nation's populace. I suppose they only care when it furthers their agenda or infringes somewhat on their liberties. I suppose the minions of Beck and Palin will only answer the beckon call when they are urged to do so by their mindless leaders. Just goes to show that this brainless mob will never match the original demonstrators of our initial Democracy.
Not only are they not standing up for personal liberties, which I'm sure they'd claim only belong to citizens and would overlook the fact that citizens can be pulled over too, but they also aren't standing against an obvious expansion of government. If they're going to distort the Constitution, one would hope they'd at least do so consistently.
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